6 Recipes That are Perfect for Fall

I’ve never posted a roundup like this on the blog. It is kind of fun to comb through old posts, but I’ve tried as much as possible to create new content and share fresh recipes. But lately, the new recipes have been few and far between. I’m writing more and working on projects behind the scenes, which I love—but that also means experimenting in the kitchen has taken a backseat.

There’s always a tradeoff, right? When we put time, resources, and energy into something, we’re by default not putting those into something else. If we attempt to do life without tradeoffs, I think that’s when the exhaustion and overwhelm set in. Ask me how I know this. As Greg McKeown talks about in Essentialism, we can easily start going a millimeter in a thousand directions instead of a mile in one direction. Can you relate?

That’s how I feel most of the time. I have a running list of about 25 recipe ideas and notes for another 30+ essays. They’re words jotted down while the kids eat their snacks or combinations of ingredients I’m inspired to try. But many of those ideas will never see the light of day, at least not for a while. That used to bother me. Then I started to accept that I don’t always have to have something to show for my work to make it worthwhile. Maybe the time I spend listening to my life and taking copious notes is meant to grow me on the inside rather than help me produce content. Maybe even the recipe ideas I jot down are only to help spark creativity in my own kitchen for a season instead of showing up on the blog for public consumption.

So in the meantime, while I let myself embrace some tradeoffs, I put together a fall recipe roundup of a few dishes I’ve created over the past couple years. There’s something about comforting autumn cooking that makes me return to tried-and-true favorites, anyway.


Sarah Hauser

I'm a wife, mom, writer, and speaker sharing biblical truth to nourish your souls–and the occasional recipe to nourish the body.


Remembering God


Tri-Berry Crumbles [and getting out of a cooking rut]