The blog

Writings on food, faith, creativity, and family, all with the goal of helping you nourish your soul.

Welcome to my little home on the Internet! If you were in my actual house, I’d offer you a drink and start raiding the pantry for snacks so we dive into the deep stuff (I’m not great at small talk). My internet home isn’t much different–there’s food to savor and words to mull over about everything from faith to creativity to family.

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Drinks Sarah Hauser Drinks Sarah Hauser

Cherry Vanilla Iced Tea

OK, let me start off by admitting that I'm not a huge fan of cherry-flavored things. Whether it's Cherry Coke, Cherry Jolly Ranchers or cherry liqueur, I can't help but think about the cherry-flavored cough syrup I had to take when I was sick as a kid. That fake cherry flavoring simply isn't my thing.

I realize it's probably not the best to begin a blog post by explaining why I don't like the flavors I'm using, but this drink is nothing like that childhood medicine. There are no artificial flavorings happening here and it makes all the difference! Real cherries. Real vanilla. Really good.

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